Thursday, 8 November 2012

Onwards and Upwards - who's with me?

The Autumn alwys makes me feel excited - it must be memories of the new school year with new shoes, new pens, new books which gets me far more keyed up than New Year ever does.  It was this time last year (or thereabouts) that I decided to give blogging a go, and crashed and burned pretty spectacularly after only a few posts.  In mitigation, the death of my mum and the subsequent lingering demise of my career threw me off course somewhat, but a recent post by kateonthinice ( has prompted me to get my shit together and start doing instead of merely thinking of doing.
Kate's post is about the losing of one's sense of self, which resonates hugely with me at the moment.  With no paid job (and a bit of a crisis in terms of whether my career of the last 10 years is till the one for me - and if not, what the hell is?), one child and another on the way I feel like I am constantly fighting the desire for a life less ordinary with absolutely no idea of how to even take the first step towards making it happen.  Oh the ideas keep flowing - everything from teaching children's yoga to selling homemade cakes, retraining in NLP, teacher training, setting up a radio station - but the sheer directionless of them is overwhelming and consequently I do little (or nothing) about any of them. 
With 6 months to go until life is put on hold (again) for No.2, I feel like the clock is really ticking - or perhaps it's the New Term feeling that's nagging me to take positive steps towards something - anything!  Whatever it is posting this blog will, I hope, mark a bit of a turning point.  Out of the fog and towards the clear blue skies...


  1. Firstly sorry for your loss. The loss of a Mum is a huge one to handle.
    Secondly, thanks so much for hoping to #getgrooving with some like-minded souls.
    I think y
    You are doing amazing to be even thinking about tackling this with a baby on the way so I think you will achieve more than you think you can on this wonderful journey of ours.
    Looking forward to getting to know you better.

  2. Great list of things you'd like to do! Especially the radio station. I'm like you, way more motivated at this time of year than at any other. Good luck! Polly

  3. What a great post to kick start your finding yourself campaign. I have long been a keen 'Groovy Mums' attendee and have found that by participating I would find myself setting tasks, and actually doing them because I wanted to be able to write about how I had achieved it! I am so glad Kate has found the will to re-start it after all she has been through, and the fact that you felt inspired by her post is certainly what it is all about! Welcome to Groovy Mumming! I will look forward to seeing where your journey of life will take you!

  4. Don't forget to link up over on my post and that should lead to new folks visiting you too.
