Wednesday, 4 January 2012

White Lies and Whoppers

So I thought maybe the best place to start was to explain how the title of my blog came about and to invite others to share their own tales of parental dishonesty!

One of my family's running jokes (which are, by definition, crashingly boring to anyone outside the four of us) is that any soup is called "ordinary soup", for the benefit of my brother who as a child pretty much refused to eat anything else.  As you have probably guessed, "ordinary soup" happened to be whatever soup my mother set down in front of him, but if it was "ordinary soup" it was eaten. Anything else was dismissed out of hand...and onto the floor.

Other little gems which I took as gospel, as only a child can, were that if I had a bath every day my fingernails would grow to be long and beautiful, and that the hugely overweight girl around the corner became so from eating cheese in precisely the same manner as I had taken to doing when I came in from school.

My daughter is too young at the moment to be subjected to any such blatent fibbing on my part, and I'm sure there are others out there whose mum's and dad's "truths" trounce my own mother's efforts, so please do share.  I may pick up some tips...


  1. Just the usual ones, that you will stick like that if the wind changes. My Mum did try to persuade me that rabbit for dinner was chicken, but I was roo Wiley to fall for that. Good luck with the blog x

  2. Well the most obvious lie my parents told me was the one about God.

    I know someone who told her children that the ice-cream van only put their music on when they have run out of ice cream. I thought that was a good one :-)

  3. Ooooo rats - just when I thought I'd cracked it I an't figure out how to write replies! Curses.

    MuddynoSugar: funny how so many lies are food-related. There was something in the news the other day with the French (of course) claiming that they are obviously doing something rights as their children aren't fussy eaters, never throw tantrums etc etc. If it's true, good luck to 'em (and what's the bloody secret?). My own theory is that all the fussy screaming buggers are actually locked in a cellar with nowt but a mouldy baguette for company.

    Soresourceful - love the ice cream lie! Have to say it's so long since I saw an ice cream van doing its round that the sight of the crazy lady running after it (me) would scare any hopeful children away for good.
